Choose a Web Design Discipline and Perfect it
June 18th, 2012 by Mike Locke  |  12 Comments »    

In this video I talk about choosing one discipline and perfecting that one instead of trying to learn a broad range of skills early on.


    June 18th, 2012 at 11:02 pm

    what the all list of jobs in web programming?

    June 19th, 2012 at 5:26 am

    hey Mike just a question I forgot to ask in the mail I sent you (sorry that its a little bit out of the scope of your video). Do you know any website that can generate css code like the new feature of Fireworks CS6?

    I’ve found, but this generates gradients, not round corners or shadow effects etc

    June 19th, 2012 at 6:28 am is a good site for generated css3

    Kevin Esther    
    June 19th, 2012 at 1:08 pm

    Really like the analogy although I had to think about in terms of football. In my youth I played loads of football and other sports and was pretty good. The pretty good part is the point I think your trying to stress on this video. If I had concentrated on one sport. Narrowed this to one position. And became the best strike of the ball. Then maybe I could have played for my country, Scotland.

    In relation to web design. Currently at the moment I can design and code. I think at this point my passion is the design part. I have been thinking about this for sometime. Do I go front end dev or Design.

    The only fear I have is if I go Design and concentrate on this for period of time, there is a trend of designing in the browser. I would really like know from your experience about choosing between the two paths.

    Or would it make sense to concentrated on both. I suppose this come down to my end goal.

    Let me know what you think.

    Other great video. Thanks Mike

    Mike Locke    
    June 19th, 2012 at 2:44 pm

    @Kevin- Good points. Yes, my point in the video is all about being “great” at one thing. That’s the difference that will get you in the top 25% (per say) as I mention in my other video Advice for Struggling Web Designers. When you focus on Design (which I think you should), you want to focus on becoming excellent at Design to the point to where people are constantly seeking your design services. This will come from potential employers, small businesses, your peers, etc. When you get that point, then you know you’re in that top 25% of in-demand designers. That’s when you can classify yourself as somewhat “great”. At that point, that’s when you should then continue to learn other disciplines such as becoming more efficient at coding, html, css, javascript, etc. Yes, you can dabble in it along the way. But your goal (everyone’s goal) should be to focus on becoming great in that one area before exploring multiple disciplines. In my opinion.

    Kris Jolls    
    June 19th, 2012 at 7:11 pm

    Sure this post was a big ahhh(relief) moment for many of us. At the end of my webmaster course I discovered I was definitely not passionate about JS lol. Knowing how it works and how to use it is essential though. I think I’m passionate about design. One question I have is how often do you find web designers and UX designers being the same person? Thanks Mike.

    Mike Locke    
    June 19th, 2012 at 9:30 pm

    @Kris – Most web designers do end up becoming UX designers so for the most part, they’re the same person. Its a seamless transition from being a web designer and growing into a UX designer because in Web Design you’re using and working with the same principles. UX design is all about the research phase of design. This is something I stress in my web design process within my training course as I’m sure you’re aware of. ;)

    Mike Locke    
    June 22nd, 2012 at 12:06 am

    @mostafa – Some of the disciplines that I can think of off the top of my head include:

    Web Design (general)
    UI Designer
    UX Designer
    Visual Designer
    Interaction Designer
    Information Architect
    Mobile iOS Designer
    Mobile iOS Developer
    Web Developer
    Front-End Developer (HTML/CSS/JavaScript/jQuery)
    Graphic Designer

    July 5th, 2012 at 4:51 pm

    I think what throws most people off, for example is… Say I’m searching for a gig. It would look something like this…

    UI Designer

    -Knowledge of C#/ASP.NET
    -Experience with Eclipse, DeamWeaver, or other HTML editor;
    -Experience with Subversion
    – Experience with JIRA;
    – Experience with PhotoShop, Illustrator;
    – Experience with Flash;
    – Experience with jQuery/JSON;
    – Experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript;
    – Experience with PHP
    – Experience with SQL, REST, JSON,

    LIKE REALLY!?!?!?! Seriously!?! It’s a joke…

    This is what I think is the biggest obstacle. So people tend to focus on being a one man show. This really destroys my confidence so I don’t even end up applying for a gig. Even though I feel like I’m talented enough on the design side.

    Maybe employers should wise up and stop playing these mind games and stop looking for a Lebron James, and more of a “X” type player like Mario Chalmers

    July 21st, 2012 at 3:34 pm

    I don’t know what it is I really do…I can’t actually code but I can modify. I’m full-fledged in the following: corporate graphic design, social media strategy, content strategy, SEO, as well as planning user interaction, structuring large databases of information and interface design…What can I call myself if I don’t code?

    Mike Locke    
    July 23rd, 2012 at 11:26 am

    Hi Allie,

    I’m not sure what to call yourself but I do know that when it comes to advancing your career or looking to grow (get other jobs) and market yourself to potential employers, you have to narrow down what your specialty is. I would argue that a lot of people know a little bit about many things. The question is what is it that you’re great at (or love). Because thats when you can demand top dollar in your field when you can say I’m an “expert” at this particular thing.

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